Methadone is a drug frequently utilized in medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and is used for pain management. The drug is composed of long-acting opioid chemicals to activate a receptor to produce a biological response. It is meant to reduce opioid cravings and cushion many withdrawal effects. However, if misused, methadone stays in the body for an extended period, and without medical assistance, methadone detox can be painful.

Since methadone is extremely difficult to withdraw from alone, Banyan’s Faith in Recovery Program provides various solutions to help detox from medications that cause physical dependence and horrible side effects. Although an individual may be strong-minded, addiction is not easy to overcome, so help from professionals is never a bad idea.

Banyan’s detox program staff are there for the individual by offering healing for the mind, body, and soul. Our team of highly trained and licensed professionals will implement the necessary safety precautions to get the patient through withdrawals effectively. Like any other opiate, methadone can lead to severe complications if used long-term and should be adequately detoxed.

Methadone Detox Withdrawal Symptoms

Methadone is available in liquid and powder forms and is taken daily. The drug is a part of the opioid family and is used similar to narcotic medications. Methadone withdrawal is said to be one of the worst forms of withdrawal because of how long an individual experiences the symptoms of the opioid detox. Some of the biggest risks associated with withdrawal are relapse and potential overdose.1

The following is a list of typical methadone withdrawal symptoms:

  • Aches in the muscles or bones
  • Stomach cramping or pain
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Dilated pupils
  • Excessive yawning
  • Sweating
  • Insomnia
  • Agitation

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What is Methadone Withdrawal Like?

Symptoms of methadone withdrawal typically begin within 30 hours after an individual’s last exposure or use of the drug. The length of the process depends on numerous factors like the dosage amount, the duration the drug was consumed, and the patient's medical history, but symptoms can last a few weeks or longer. The process is supposedly the worst form of withdrawal, but everyone experiences the symptoms of the detox a bit differently depending on several important factors.

At first, withdrawal may feel like the flu. Exhaustion, vomiting, diarrhea, and night sweats are common after quitting methadone. Other side effects may be intense restlessness and nausea as the symptoms progress. So, professional care and treatment are incredibly beneficial for people ready to get sober.

Faith-Based Recovery Programs

At Banyan Treatment Center, our Faith in Recovery program provides patients safety through the withdrawal process and educates each individual on how to return and thrive during everyday life and responsibilities. We offer Christian addiction programs and faith-based therapies so patients can reach their goals during the program is to quickly and effectively guide the patient through the process and maintain sobriety by leading a faithful moral standard lifestyle.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, then realization is the first step. Please, do not hesitate to contact our team as someone is always available to provide more information on how to get started.

Contact us at 888-280-4763 today for more information on our Christian residential addiction treatment and other treatment plans!


  1. Mayo Clinic - Methadone (Oral Route) Side Effects

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