Cocaine Detox at Faith in Recovery

When undergoing a cocaine detox, the effects can range from mild to severe based on various factors. Detoxing from cocaine is difficult because of how addictive it is and its severe impact on the central nervous system (CNS). As a stimulant, cocaine (also known as “coke” or “crack”) directly targets neurotransmitters in the CNS. These are chemicals in the brain that act as messengers between neurons. Drugs like cocaine predominantly affect dopamine, a chemical responsible for pleasure, elevated mood, and reward. People with cocaine addictions become drawn to the high caused by the influx of dopamine, contributing to a deadly habit. Cocaine detox treatment at our Christian drug rehab is a safe way to detox from coke and help patients move forward in their recovery.

What Are the Symptoms of Cocaine Withdrawal?

Withdrawals from a coke detox can involve severe psychological and physical reactions. Withdrawal symptoms are the most common signs of drug dependence. A person addicted to drugs like cocaine may experience withdrawals when they suddenly stop using. These symptoms are the body’s reaction to a lack of a substance it’s become accustomed to. Developed tolerance to cocaine contributes to withdrawal symptoms, and many drug users continue to engage in substance abuse to avoid them.

Common Cocaine Use Withdrawal Symptoms:

  • Trouble concentrating
  • Slowed activity
  • Physical fatigue
  • Slowed thinking
  • Anhedonia, or the inability to feel pleasure
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Chills
  • Tremors
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Excessive sweating
  • Nerve pain
  • Cravings for cocaine
  • Increased appetite

The most dangerous aspect of cocaine withdrawal treatment is the symptoms. Many people attempt to detox from cocaine at home, but this is highly dangerous. Faith in Recovery offers a medically monitored detox for cocaine that provides a clean and safe environment where patients can gently wean off the drug. Our medical professionals administer medication as needed to alleviate the discomfort of withdrawals and addiction cravings. Our team also provides moral support and 24-hour care to ensure patients stay committed. Because we only allow the most equipped experts on our team, staff who lead our detox programs are able to manage any emergencies or complications that may present themselves during treatment.

The most difficult withdrawal symptoms to overcoming Cocaine addiction are anxiety, depression, and cravings. There are medications that can be prescribed to help alleviate the withdrawal symptoms like depression and anxiety. Community groups and psychotherapy are often effective in beating Cocaine addiction. Twelve-step groups like Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and Cocaine Anonymous (CA) surround recovering addicts with non-using peers and emotional support. Individual and group counseling can also equip users with coping skills to stay sober. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a popular counseling framework used to treat addicted people.

How Long Do Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms Last?

As for how long cocaine withdrawal symptoms last, the cocaine detox timeline is dependent on how long the person has been using cocaine and their health condition. Cocaine detox symptoms can last anywhere between 7 to 10 days. However, long-time users often experience more severe withdrawal symptoms because their bodies have built an extreme tolerance to and dependence on the drug. Cravings may also persist for longer periods of time and could occur suddenly, even after years of sobriety.

Additionally, it is important to note that withdrawal symptoms start within hours of stopping use, with the worst cravings and withdrawal symptoms typically appearing during the first month of quitting. The intensity of withdrawal symptoms is influenced by the amount taken and frequency of use. These symptoms can last for months after the last dose, with some individuals experiencing uncomfortable symptoms that make Cocaine cessation challenging. Severe depression and suicidal thoughts are highlighted as the most dangerous side effects of quitting Cocaine abruptly. In summary, understanding the duration and timeline of Cocaine withdrawal symptoms is essential for individuals looking to overcome addiction and navigate the challenges of withdrawal effectively.

How to Treat Cocaine Withdrawal

Because addiction cravings and other stressors can occur during addiction recovery, it’s important for patients to start on the right foot. The best detox for cocaine is one that’s medically assisted and provides patients with a clean, safe, and comfortable environment. The discomfort of withdrawals can be excruciating without proper care and assistance. Our team spares no cost or effort in helping patients through each step of withdrawal. Because we only allow the most equipped experts on our team, staff who lead our detox programs are able to manage any emergencies or complications that may present themselves during treatment.

Questions about our Facilities or Programs?

Our admissions coordinators are available 24/7 to answer any questions you may have as you consider whether treatment at Banyan is right for you or your loved one.

What Happens After Detox?

After patients receive treatment for cocaine addiction withdrawal, they can then move onto our Christian residential treatment program. This program is a form of inpatient care that houses patients for the duration of their treatment. It is a great program that provides patients with therapy, counseling, and spiritual guidance to prepare them for the transition to everyday life after rehab. Our inpatient drug treatment is best for individuals with severe substance use disorders because it separates them from distractions at home. Focus is very important in addiction recovery, and offering patients this program is a great way to help them stick to their treatment plans.

What are some resources and support groups available for individuals struggling with Cocaine addiction?

Individuals struggling with Cocaine addiction can access a variety of resources and support groups to help them overcome their addiction. These include medication options that can be prescribed to alleviate withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety and depression. Community groups and psychotherapy have also been shown to be effective in treating Cocaine addiction. Twelve-step groups like Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and Cocaine Anonymous (CA) offer a supportive environment with peers who are also in recovery. Individual and group counseling can provide users with valuable coping skills to maintain sobriety. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a widely used counseling approach for addiction treatment. Overall, while overcoming Cocaine addiction can be challenging, there are numerous sources of help available. Those struggling with addiction are encouraged to reach out to treatment providers to learn more about detox options and treatment programs.

What are the treatment options for Cocaine detox and addiction?

Treatment options for Cocaine detox and addiction include supervised, inpatient detox programs that offer a safe environment for individuals to become sober. These programs require dedication and effort from the recovering individual. Outpatient detox is another effective option, where patients attend a hospital or treatment center for a few hours a week to receive physical and mental check-ups from doctors and counselors. Withdrawal symptoms from Cocaine addiction, such as anxiety, depression, and cravings, can be challenging to overcome. Medications may be prescribed to help alleviate these symptoms. Additionally, community groups, psychotherapy, and twelve-step programs like Narcotics Anonymous and Cocaine Anonymous provide crucial peer support and coping skills for individuals striving to stay sober. Overall, while overcoming Cocaine addiction can be tough, there are various treatment options and support systems available to help individuals on their journey to recovery.

To learn more about our cocaine addiction treatment and detox programs, contact us now.