Our Daily Devotionals

Otherwise known as daily devotionals, Bible devotionals are publications that provide a specific spiritual reading for a certain period. Devotionals can last anywhere from 5 days to a year and vary based on their topics and the audience they're written for. For example, if you want to understand the Bible from a woman’s perspective, then you’d look for a daily devotional for women.

As a Christian drug rehab that helps people recover from substance use disorders, Faith in Recovery wanted to offer daily devotionals to the public, with a focus on recovering addicts and their loved ones, to guide them in their spiritual growth. These Bible devotions for men and women are written by our very own Anthony Acampora, Chaplain and National Director of the faith-based recovery programs at Banyan Treatment Centers.

With a Bachelor’s Degree in Ministry, a Master’s Degree in Ministry, a Master’s Diploma in Biblical Studies, and writing experience as a published author, Anthony is the best equipped of our team to introduce God’s Word and love to others. We hope that you enjoy these Bible devotionals and that they aid in your spiritual growth.

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What Is a Daily Devotional?

Daily devotionals are readings for each day of the year from publications like faith-based books or even sometimes The Bible. These passages are meant to encourage spiritual growth from participants as they examine these passages and their meaning in more detail.

In terms of addiction recovery, daily devotionals often involve passages that can be related to substance abuse recovery and the challenges of sobriety. These daily devotionals for addiction recovery can help people more easily apply their faith to their sobriety journey so that they can be successful in their recovery.

The Importance of Daily Devotionals for Recovering Addicts

Religious addiction treatment is successful because patients can lean on their faith for support and strength when it feels like their world is being turned upside down. While powerful, sometimes prayer alone is not enough. Daily devotionals can take this one step further and help people strengthen their faith by looking at the meanings behind these prayers and passages.

Taking the time to discuss certain prayers or passages with daily devotionals in recovery can help people apply them to their own lives. They may find solace in certain passages that they can then look back on for strength in times when they are feeling weak or vulnerable. Also, listening to other people’s take on a passage or how they related to them can be powerful as well. It may open someone’s eyes to a deeper meaning that they had not considered before and that can be applied to their own recovery journey. Some people may also benefit from daily devotionals in recovery because seeing other speak freely about their own stories could help them to open up.

What to Expect from Our Daily Devotional Group in Rehab

As a part of our faith-based addiction therapies, we offer a daily devotional group to start off our clinical day. This optional group lasts for one hour and occurs every Monday through Friday, but patients are encouraged to attend because of its many benefits.

The daily devotional group meeting will consist of a patient reading the devotional for the day from one of our selected books for addiction recovery. There passages may come from a variety of sources including books written by our own Program Director and Chaplain Anthony Acampora. Patients will then share their experiences related to the selected reading for the day and talk about how it affects them personally. Along with discussing the specific passage, the group will also include a check-in with patients to discuss any issues, concerns, answered prayers, or praise reports. We all open the floor for patients to offer words of encouragement to other patients to ensure that everyone gets their day started off on the right foot.

If you are struggling with addiction or mental health issues, we may have the right program for you. At Faith in Recovery, we help individuals recover from addiction as well as strengthen their relationship with God. For more information on the Christian programming, contact us today. Your spiritual journey could begin now!