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Addiction and the Seven Deadly Sins

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Addiction & The Seven Deadly Sins


Derived from Christianity, the seven deadly sins are a well-known concept to those who are not religious as well.

While these sins are meant to have implications related to faith, they can extend to various aspects of life as well. In fact, addiction and the seven deadly sins may be more related than many people realize.

How Addiction Is Related to the Seven Deadly Sins



Gluttony and addiction are connected. Both involve excess and overindulgence. While gluttony is commonly associated with the overconsumption of food, it can be used to described unnecessary indulgence in other aspects of life as well. Addiction, in a way, is the overconsumption of drugs or alcohol. While people who struggle with drugs and alcohol may have started by simply misusing these substances occasionally, this abuse led to addiction and the administration of more and more of these substances. In extreme cases, this gluttony in substance abuse can lead to overdose.


Like gluttony, greed also involves excess. Greed is excessive longing for more and never being satisfied with what you have. Greed can also present itself in addiction. Because of the changes in the brain that can occur from frequent drug use, the body not only becomes dependent on it, but also needs more to feel the same effects. The result is increased dosage and frequency of the abused substance.


Lust is a strong and overpowering psychological desire for someone or something. While it is often associated with feelings of sexuality or love, lust can extend to other things as well. In addiction, the addict lusts for the substance they abuse. This desire can be overwhelming and lead the addict to neglect other aspects of their life because of it.


Wrath is extreme anger that can lead to sinful nature. It is not uncommon for drug addicts and alcoholics to become irritable either while intoxicated or during withdrawal like during a drug or alcohol detox. In extreme cases this may mean physical abuse or violence. Unfortunately, alcohol is common in violent crimes. Its presence has been found to increase the severity of the crime as well as the injuries.1 If drinking makes you a wrathful person and you want to change that, our Christian-based alcohol rehab can help. Without treatment, your relationship may become damaged beyond repair or, in serious cases, there could be legal action.

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Envy is resentment for another person because of what they have and the desire to have this for yourself. It can destroy a person’s mental health as the envious person struggles to stop comparing themselves to others. Many people who battle with poor mental health will turn to drugs and alcohol to cope with these ill feelings. In this way, envy could be a driving force behind a person’s substance abuse problem. Not only can envy be a contributing factor to the addiction, but this resentment can also hinder long-term success in recovery if not addressed in a faith-based outpatient program.


Sloth is most simply defined as laziness, but this laziness can apply to more than just physical activity. In terms of addiction, sloth can be present in a more literal sense when addicts become lethargic from their drug or alcohol abuse, a common side effect with some substances. Other examples of sloth in addiction is the neglect of responsibilities in favor of getting drunk or high as well as social withdrawal. While these can all be detrimental to the addict, the most dangerous form of sloth in addiction is the lack of drive to get help. Some addicts may realize they have a problem but become too paralyzed to do anything about it. The result is a substance abuse problem that gets worse.


Pride in the Bible is extreme hubris including the idea of valuing oneself over God. Unfortunately, pride and addiction can often be connected as well. While addicts do not necessarily value themselves over God, many addicts are too proud to get help or sometimes even to admit that they have a problem. Instead of letting pride lead you down the path toward rock bottom, our Christian rehab center in Pompano could help you overcome your addiction while also addressing your pride.

Addiction is a disease, but it can lead the addicted person to partake in some questionable and often less than morally sound behavior. When this occurs, it is important to not only get help but also to ask God for forgiveness. In John 1:9 the Bible says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

At Faith in Recovery, we believe in physical, mental, and spiritual recovery in sobriety.

Call us today at 888-280-4763 to get started.


  1. NIH - Alcohol and Violence